Cyberterrorist will attack the 2012 Olympics in London. That’s the statement made by the head of the events IT yesterday. Gerry Pennell, London 2012′s CIO said “We will get cyberattacks for sure. Previous games have all been attacked so we are bound to be.”
Yesterday technicians began 200,000 hours of infrastructure testing before the opening ceremony next year. The testing will use 800 computers to simulate live events, starting with seven sports, 36 mock competition venues and will use half a million lines of code.
Your online business may not be on the scale of the Olympics but it is critical to test your applications to ensure they will cope with the levels of traffic you are expecting or not expecting. Tools are available that allow you to simulate an amount of traffic and the path the visitors will take through your site. Using these tools, weak points in the infrastructure or code will be highlighted which allows you to plan changes rather than knee jerk reactions such as adding more hardware.