Open Source in the Public Sector.
With the current drivers for transformation on how Public Services are delivered, Open Source and Open Standards are in the limelight - the status quo is no longer an option. IT departments need to look carefully at the resources they have, and what they are being asked to deliver.
Open Source Software has a key role to play. Enterprise Class Open Source is a secure, stable and scalable set of tools by which Public Sector agencies are streamlining IT performance whilst stripping out cost.
Cap Ex vs Op EX - The Enterprise Open Source model differs from normal COTS (commercial off the shelf) software. In almost all cases, there are no upfront capital costs for software licenses, only for support, where required.
More of the same? Time to change the Status-Quo.
Vendor lock-in is now at the forefront of the minds of CIO's. What are the costs of making system changes? What if you want to move to another supplier, how much is it going to cost to get YOUR data? TCO is not just about the 3 year purchase cost, but also the cost of migrating to another solution.
Eliminating the risks associated with vendor lock-in, which can restrict your flexibility, creates genuine choice - the status-quo is no longer an option.