Corporate Social Responsibility

ForLinux have clearly defined environmental, social and employment policies that govern the way we operate and the impact we have on the world around us. Our support doesn’t stop at servers….

Internet Watch Foundation

Supporting a Safer Internet

ForLinux is proud to have been supporting the work of the Internet Watch Foundation since 2004. We provide server support and security services to the IWF web server to support them in achieving their aim of minimising the availability of illegal on-line content, specifically images of child sexual abuse.
All of our clients are bound by our Acceptable Use Policy, which is designed to protect the entire Internet community from inappropriate or illegal activity. All our technicians have been checked by the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) at the enhanced level, to ensure peace of mind for our clients. 



Supporting Open Source

The company is committed to supporting the Open Source Community to facilitate the growth of Open Source products and services. This year we provided a dedicated server to the Community Enterprise Operating System,

CentOS, in support of their continued research and development.  Our technicians pro-actively contribute to open source development and the Linux community.

Newark College

Supporting Local Colleges

At ForLinux, we have been working closely with a local education provider to help bring Open Source to the classroom. We are currently working with the ICT department at Lincoln college to support and aid the learning of their students in order to open their minds to the potential of alternative operating systems.
To date we have provided lectures, seminars and hands-on sessions, to students on courses from NVQ Level one to Level three.

Sue's Place

Supporting Local Communities

We support several local charities including The Newark Women's Refugee, who provide refuge for the victims of domestic abuse and Sue's Place, a local charity providing ongoing support for children affected by the death, divorce or separation of someone close.  Instead of sending corporate Christmas cards every year, we donate the money to our chosen charities.

Computers 4 Africa

Supporting the Environment

The nature of our business means we have a high turn over of quality IT equipment. We are proud to donate our redundant hardware to Computers for Africa, a UK based charity which recycles hardware and network equipment from the UK and builds IT infrastructures in schools & communities across Africa. We encourage all companies to donate their redundant hardware to this fantastic charity.

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December, 2012
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