Essentially there are 4 levels of Cloud Hosting
- Infrastructure-as-a-Service – IaaS
- Platform-as-a-Service – PaaS (aka Private Cloud)
- Cloud Servers
- Software-as-a-Service – SaaS
IaaS is the lowest level Cloud offering. This is where preconfigured hardware and storage is provided via a virtual interface or Hypervisor. No operating system in provided. Amazon is an example of IaaS.
PaaS (Private Cloud) goes a stage further and incorporates the operating system and associated utilities for managing the environment.
Cloud Server Hosting is the provisioning of virtual servers in a high availability and scalable environment with no single point of failure.
SaaS provides the complete solution on demand including the software applications. For example
A Hybrid Cloud is a combination of the above with dedicated servers included added into the mix. For example -
In the illustration above the solution is comprised of a mixture of Private Cloud, Cloud Servers, Dedicated Servers, Amazon AWS S3 storage and Amazon AWS EC2 servers.
Please contact ForLinux on , email or complete the contact form to discuss your hybrid cloud requirements.