Support ratings
We are so committed to delivering outstanding support – we ask our clients to rate each interaction with our technical support team & we are willing to share our live statistics with the world!

December, 2012
Happy New Year!
What changes would you like to make this year?
How about making your company more productive, effective and efficient?
Come and talk to Forlinux about helping your business to become recession resilient!
We are delighted with how positively our clients have responded last month we received 469 ratings 99.79 % as being Outstanding and Good. Well done to all our technicians, keep up the brilliant work!
In addition this month, there have been multiple customers contacting us over the festive period sending their seasonal greetings and to thank the technicians – on behalf of all at Forlinux we really appreciate the kind sentiments and look forward to working with you all over the forthcoming years.

November, 2012
How much more industrious could your company be…With our diligent staff and knowledge of technical support?
Forlinux provides great accessibility to our technical support team.
Gain the peace of mind as our current customers do – 100 customer have rated us as being "Outstanding" and 485 as "Good" and 0 % as anything less than either of the above.

October, 2012
Do you know of another company that can beat our scores? Yet again Forlinux score over 99% for the support we have delivered. Can you rate your current support contract as 'outstanding' or 'good' month after month? If not, come and find out why our customers are so thrilled with Forlinux support and keep returning to us for technical service that our technicians provide.
We had another superior month during October with over 611 customer rating our support to them as being either 'Good' or 'Outstanding'. Only 1 % dropping to being average and not a single rating equating to 'Unsatisfactory' or 'Poor'.